Cybersecurity Challenges for Manufacturing and Industrial Plants
Manufacturing and industrial plants are becoming smarter and more efficient by connecting their Operational Technology (OT) devices and networks to their IT networks and the Internet. With this connectivity comes increased exposure to cyberattacks that can cripple a process control system, impair an automated assembly line, or even close an entire plant. These attacks can create health and safety issues for workers, impact productivity, damage capital equipment and create financial losses.
2024 Jul 31st
A wireless technology which replaces the BACnet cable
With LumenRadio’s technology, it is possible to create a wireless BACnet mesh network that maintains the standard and interoperability of the protocol.By converting the BACnet packets into MiraMesh, you can send the BACnet protocol wirelessly with low latency. The W-BACnet technology is compatible with any products utilizing the BACnet MS/TP standard.W-BACnet devicesW-BACnet replaces the BACnet MS/TP cable with a reliable wireless mesh – it eliminates time-consuming installation planning, cablin
2024 Jun 11th